Helping You Find Your Dog Is Helping Us End the Overcrowded Shelter Crisis Across The Globe
We know what it's like when you don't want to go to sleep because it makes you feel like your giving up on them and...
We also know what it's like to feel helpless because you've done evening you know to do but you know in your heart there has to be other ways to search for your sweetest furry friend.
We are the First Business Of It's Kind to offer such Highly Detailed Services
Social Media Search on 1 Platform
Including Groups
Lite Sharing of Missing Information
Missing Post On Our Page
Full Search through 3 Adoption websites using no filters
A full list of every animal shelter in and surrounding the missing location up to 200 miles out, sorted by distance.
Social Media Search on 2 Platforms
Including Groups
Med Sharing of Missing Information
Missing Post On Our Page
Full Search through 6 Adoption websites using no filters
Custom Sharable Missing Dog FLYER
A full list of every animal shelter in and surrounding the missing location up to 200 miles out, sorted by distance.
Social Media Search on 3 Platforms
Including Groups
Missing Post On Our Page
Full Search through ALL Adoption websites using no filters
Custom Sharable Missing Dog VIDEO
Video Shared Throughout All Social Media Groups
A full list of every animal shelter in and surrounding the missing location up to 200 miles out, sorted by distance.
I highly recommend this service. They do an exceptional job getting your pets picture and story out to the public...
Suzanne Burrow AL/GA
I totally recommend this service! I took their advice and done exactly what they said, and my Termite was found a couple weeks later. Very Blessed.
Laura Dobson AL
Meet Megan
Owner and Founder of Help Me Find My Baby
I have always had a big heart for animals for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I wanted to become a vet until I thought about seeing all the little hurt dogs. Whenever I saw a stray dog, I would take a photo and post it, which I still do. Finally, after many years, I came up with a way to help dogs everywhere. I have gathered tons of information and resources to provide you with my service. I know it's important for you to be a part of the search, so I designed it to that effect. Join us as we leave no ground, or virtual stone, uncovered.
My prayers are with you and your sweet missing fur baby, hoping you will be reunited soon. Not all dogs are always found, but I wanted to at least give others a fair chance to find them.
Our Mission
is to help you find your missing dog. We know that no one is perfect, and we understand that things happen, we have been there ourselves. We Fine Comb Shelters, Humane Societies, Foster Homes and Rescues. We Sift through an Arsenal of Websites, Apps, TONS of Groups and Many Social Media Platforms leaving an Alert in Every single one. We not only want to save all the little missing sweethearts, but we also want to save you from a lifelong heart break from not knowing. By doing what we do, will in turn help with the overcrowded shelter crisis by reuniting not only the ones who are already in the shelters, but the ones on the streets before they are caught and surrendered into the shelters.
On top of all that we want to provide you with all the tools you need to be able to search on your own. For FREE
If you would like to engage in the one on one service with one of our compassionate dog loving Agents, you may do so below.
We hope our services can help you get your baby back as we are ready to assist anyone at any time.
We are actively seeking sponsorships to help us build this the way it needs it to be, so we can
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