Our Services

Social Media Search on 1 Platform


Including Groups

Sharing of Missing Information

Missing Post On Our Page

Full Search through 3 Adoption Websites Using No Filters                                       A full list of every animal shelter in and surrounding the missing location up to 200 miles out, sorted by distance. 

Social Media Search on 2 Platforms

(Facebook and Tiktok)

Including Groups

 Sharing of Missing Information

Missing Post On Our Page

Full Search through 6 Adoption Websites Using No Filters 

Custom Sharable Missing Dog Digital FLYER

   A full list of every animal shelter in and surrounding the missing location up to 200 miles out, sorted by distance. 

Social Media Search on 3 Platforms 

Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube

Including Groups

Missing Post On Our Page

Full Search through ALL Adoption Websites Using No Filters 

Custom Sharable Missing Dog VIDEO

Video Is Shared Throughout EVERY Social Media Group we search through

Video is shared on the 3 social media platforms listed above.

   A full list of every animal shelter in and surrounding the missing location up to 200 miles out, sorted by distance.